Friday, February 12, 2010

Macramé and button bracelet


Confession time. I really have a bit of a hard time with macramé so projects like this tend to get away from me a bit. I’m ok for the first few knots then my brain over thinks the process and I can’t remember whether I am going over or under. Call me Macramé challenged.

However, I love macramé bracelets so I designed this one for Get Creative magazine. I had to get some  help actually turning my ideas into reality, so Michelle who, by the way rocks at macramé helped out. I measured and told her exactly what I needed and I started the main loop. Then she kindly removed the string from my hands, nodded sagely and began knotting away. Magically the bracelet materialized just as planned.

If you’re a dab hand at macramé or want to learn, here is the link to the project and the full instructions

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Enjoy the creative talent of Evelien Lohbeck

Oh wow. I love creative stuff and this is high up on the list. It is a winning entry in a Dutch film festival and it's funny, creative and very smart. Thanks to Susan over at the Daily Art Muse for the post where I found out about this:


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Monday, May 7, 2007

How to be more creative

How can I be more creative? It's a question lots of people ask, I imagine because they think they're not creative and somehow, if they knew the magic formula, they'd be able to crack the nut and become creative overnight.

Sorry to say, it's not an overnight proposition. But there are some magic formulas - Yep! there are. One that I love is supplied in a list format over at

Visit it here. You can read the formula as a series of short points and be done with it or read the long explanations. If you're serious about the 'winning formula' read the lot. It's an eyeopener.

Now, I don't agree with absolutely everything he says but I do agree with around 95% of it. There's enough here to guarantee that if you follow his steps you'll be more creative and, in time, you'll create whatever it is that takes your fancy. It's all about ... we'll I won't tell you ... you can go read for yourself.

Just remember, the only person you have to blame if you're not as creative as you want to be really is you.
